Is getting too big too fast, where did my baby go?
I love watching her explore and learn new things everyday, now she is..
A very picky eater, totally done with baby food, trying out the gerber graduates, but mostly she wants whatever we have.
Is totally on whole milk, now I just have to get her off the bottle,she likes sippy cups but not all the time, she kind of messes around with them and drinks it all over the course of a few hours, so when she's really grumpy and wants milk, she throws a fit until she gets a bottle, not sure what to do about this.
Has learned to blow kisses and loves to kiss the baby in the mirror, so freaking adorable I just melt every time.
Is very wary of pretty much all men (besides grandpa of course, he is her favorite person in the whole world) any other guy she won't go near.
Is walking and running and falling everywhere and has the war wounds to prove it. Her little bruises just break mommy's heart, but she could care less.
Likes to go bowling with me every Wed, but is not so big on hanging out with everyone else anymore.
Still uses vomit as a weapon. Also hits with hard objects in her hand, I firmly tell her no and take the object from her, but of course it never actually sinks in that that's bad.
And of course she owns my heart and soul, I love her more than I ever thought possible and can't wait to see what every new day brings.