So here's what, I realize that I have a tendancy to let my emotions rule my mouth a lot of the time. I'm not sorry for what I say because when I'm saying it I definately mean it, but I usually come to realize I could handle some things better. So yes, the whole diaper rash thing made me very angry, that's my baby and she's suffering for no reason, but I don't want her dad out of her life. I want her to have a dad and I want her to always know that he loves her and would do anything for her, but it's just so frustrating sometimes. I wish he had the least bit of respect for me, like maybe to tell me he's having another kid before he posts it on the internet or to listen to me and do what I say when it concerns our daughter. That's what I want, easier said than done apparently. So yeah, that's how I feel about that. In Ireland news today, she has a double ear infection and bronchitis! My poor baby, we started the antibiotics today and she seems better already, happier anyway. The cough is a heartbreaker though. 5 days of meds and then hopefully we'll be good to go. Still gonna go to her dads tonight, he's sick too, hopefully nothing too serious, as angry as he can make me, I would never want anything to happen to him, Ireland needs a father. So I hope he feels better. I think I'm gonna go get my tatoo tonight, I got a gift certificate for it for Christmas so yay, free tatoo. I'm gonna get Ireland's name of course, on my arm. I'll post some pictures when I get it done. Then of course the boy will come over when he gets off work since it's a no baby night. Haven't seen him for two days since we both spend our weekends with our kids. So yep, that's the plan for the rest of the day. Also I feel the need to add that this is not a dramatic blog for your entertainment ( you know if I'm talking to you) So either understand that this is my life and this is how I feel, or f off and don't read it. To the rest of you, you know I love ya'll.