So I completely realize my total level of suck this summer with the blogging, I find myself lacking serious energy lately and it's all I can do to make sure Ireland has fun filled summer days. I looove summer, it's my favorite, especially after yet another horrifying Iowa winter. But this year I just cannot work up energy or enthusiasim for anything. We've had a few BBQ's and bonfires over here and it's been great just relaxing with my friends. Last Week Ash and the babies and I went up to Lisbon to spend the day with our sister Amy and our neice and nephew Emma and Cody, it was a really good time. I love my sisters all of them, and it's nice to be at a place where we can all finally be friends and be there for each other. One of my best friends just moved to Michigan and I miss her a lot. I don't know what it is with me lately, it just is. I don't think I hate my job although I've been accused of having a bad attitude,which in some ways is true, but only to people who are suppossed to be my friends, everyone vents about things, but my dealers in my section, and especially my players would NEVER know how I really feel, that's my job, customer service and a million other things and I am good at my job. So yeah, that frustrates me. I need a good vacation, but I have no vacation time. I just try to enjoy every day with Ireland, who is heading into the terrible two's well early. She is a champion whiner and fit thrower, but she is also very loving and hilarious, and funny, and cute and sweet, and the absoloute light of my life. Her new favorite word is motorcylce, which comes out mororcicle, its so cute. Papa has two motorcycles and about ten times a day we have to go into the garage and sit on them and pretend to drive them. Now she calls her big wheel her motorcycle and she'll say 'vroom vroom' while she motors it around, still can't reach the pedals. She can say lots of words now, Especially mama, mommy, Grandma, papa, Ashee (Ashley) and nicwas (nick, my sisters boyfriend) Baby Tywer (Tyler, my nephew) and Habic (Havoc, the dog) anything you say to her she can repeat it to you, sometimes more clearly than others. She loves to point out her nose and eyes, ears, and mouth and tummy. Then she points them out on anyone nearby. She is fearless and often gives mommy heartattacks. She fell out of a swing at my sisters and scraped her leg at the pool, we get lots of owies. Today Brianne found a tick on her toe! It was disgusting and she just held it up in the air and said 'icky bug mommy'. Bri got it out, thank god, yuck. I had a freaking spider bite that was infected and giving me a fever, double ick. Freaking nasty bugs. I'm still on antibiotics, but I'm feeling better. Well there's a million things to do around here, but odds are I will just be going to bed, it's one of those days, and I have to get up early when Chris brings Ireland home from her overnight. So goodnight everyone, sorry I suck so bad at the posting.
P.S., I have many cute pictures to add, but when I click on the button, nothing happens. WTF, anyone have any help for me on this?
For the first time, we didn't ToT with Tyler. He went off with his friend
in a completely different neighborhood.
That was kind of different.
Instead, ...
7 years ago