Climbing on the couch and being naughty
At Aunt Ashley's baby shower in my awesome Tennessee Cheerleader outfit
I play hard
So it's been a busy few weeks on our front. April 4th was Christy's baby shower. She's due with a girl at the end of the month. (She's one of my best friends I met when I worked at camp in college and we were roomates for a few years after we graduated until she met her husband and I got knocked up, ahh memories) And I am so excited to meet her baby girl, the brat won't tell us the name until she's born so I'm excited for that too. Then the 8th was my sisters baby shower. She's due May 3rd with a boy, and obviously I'm exstatic about this, yay another baby that I don't have to give birth to or turn into a zombie over, but still get to love and spoil. His name will be Tyler and he's gonna be half Korean, so he will be gorgeous. The 11th was Zach's 3rd birthday party. We couldn't stay very long because I had to work that day, but it was a nice party. Somewhere in the middle of all this I had a doctors appointment, just my annual, but low and behold my IUD was no where to be found, that's right, it was lost. Immediately panicked and made them give me a pregnancy test, negative thank god. A few days later I had an ultrasound and they found it and removed it. Turned out I have a tilted uteris and they never should have put it in in the first place because it will never stay where it's suppossed to. So now I'm back on the pill. The one you take for 3 months straight. And I'm very sad because I loved my IUD, it was the best thing ever, and as we all know the pill is how I wound up with my daughter in the first place. But oh well, better luck this time. Easter Sunday mommy had to work so Ireland went to My Aunt and Uncles in Cedar Rapids with my parents and had her first egg hunt, she loved it and I'm so sad I missed it, but these things happen when you're a single mom. Finally the weather is staying nice for a few days in a row. We went for a walk to the park today. Ireland loves going down the slide and swinging on the tire swing. She picked some pretty flowers too (dandelions) But my little monster is getting super fast and sneaky. There is a big horse pasture in our backyard with two fences between us and the horses, and before I could even blink she was under both of them and taking off, I scaled those fences faster than I knew I was capable off and snatched her up, she thought it was all hilarious. She loves to run and play outside, but it wears her out super fast, she went to nap a little early today. The sleep situation is getting much better (knock on wood) She's going to bed around 10 and sleeping usually til 10 the next morning, which is working perfectly for me. It's really nice to not feel like a zombie all the time. On Tuesday we're going to Missouri to see Grandma and Aunt Britney so that will be a nice little get away. Hopefully soon we'll plan a time to get up to Lisbon and see my sister and niece and nephew. Emma's been sick lately so we hope she's getting better. Ireland got her 18mo pics taken yesterday and they are fabulous, so freaking cute I can't wait til they get here. Work is still work, but I supposse it's a bit better after certain firings that have occured lately, but you never know what will happen at that place, it might get better, or it might just explode in one big ball of shit. Good times. Ireland's vocabulary is expanding every day, it's so awesome to listen to her and watch her learn new things. Her favorite word right now is Umbrella, which she says brell'lel'a. So adorable. Last night I ran upstairs to get something and when I came back down she was waiting for me and she pointed at her butt and said "I pooped" I couldn't believe it so I checked and yep, she did, I can't believe she told me, time to start thinking about potty training. My baby is growing up too fast, but I love it.
I love those curls. She is a cutie
So glad you're back.....looks like life is hectic but good in your world. Someday you'll have to swing by KC on your trips to Missouri. You're at least half way there, where you are in MO!
She looks a lot like you Cari! She's such a cutie pie.
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